What brought you into enduraLAB in the first place? I came into the LAB because of work, we did one of those large workouts during the summer and then I came back for the 21-Day Challenge.
How did you exercise before enduraLAB? I used to workout at LA Fitness. I didn’t have a good routine, and I wasn’t seeing results. One of the things I like about the LAB is that if you put in the work, you will see the results. Especially with the help of the coaches.
Tell us what you do outside of the LAB? I’m one of the top waiters at Joe T. Garcia’s.
What is your favorite class? My favorite workouts are Strength + Conditioning group classes. Another one of my favorites is the 11:15 AM eL Express (or eL Expresso as Coach Roman calls it). If you really want a good workout, I recommend following it up with the noon S + C class. You’ll be dead after, but you’ll walk out feeling good. You’ll also burn a ton of calories, which is good for that cheat meal day!
What advice would you have for a new person starting at enduraLAB? If you are a first-timer at the LAB, just be consistent, do the group classes and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
What’s your favorite cheat meal? I would say my favorite cheat meal is breakfast. I love hash browns, pancakes, eggs over medium and sometimes bacon! My favorite food, obviously, is Mexican!