Personal Training Intro

October 19, 2021
Personal Training Intro


nothing beats the results achieved through personal training

Everyone who walks through our doors has a different sport, goal or objective...and we love that.

While our Group Coaching program is designed to meet the needs of our large and varied community, when it comes to achieving specific goals, nothing beats private coaching. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, increase strength, improve technique, prepare for an event, or just prefer a more personal setting, an individually designed program equates to faster results.

All of our private training programs are initiated with a client goal session and movement screening. From here, your coach will design an integrated nutrition and training plan with assessment criteria and frequency to ensure that you reach your goals. Our coaches are life-long learners who have high-quality certifications and experience with producing results for every type of client. From 18 year old guys, to 65 year old women, from level 1 beginners, to level 3 pros, they can do it all. More importantly, our coaches actually care about you and doing whatever it takes to help you progress, in sport and in life.

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