August Outlook at enduraLAB

October 19, 2021
August Outlook at enduraLAB

The last 10 weeks have been a blast! We geared back into a strength cycle and slowly ramped up the volume -- training never felt so good! The main focus of the last cycles, in both the strength and conditioning, was to carefully reintroduce athletes to volume and intensity. We started with low volume tempo work for our strength movements, and we kept the conditioning efforts at a moderate volume and moderate intensity. As the weeks went on, we adjusted the tempos and by the end of this month we had athletes completing a 4-week wave progression ending with a heavy single in the Back Squat, Deadlift and Shoulder Press. We also took the conditioning efforts from, “oh that’s not too bad,” to “wait, I’m doing what?”.

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We know that life has been a “beach” lately…so why not get “beach ready”? August will bring some added volume as we double up on squats and bench press over the next 5 weeks. We will start the month off with higher rep Back and Front Squat sets at lower weights and slowly progress to lower reps and higher weights. We’ll also be dedicating Tuesday and Friday towards upper body raw strength and capacity (can anyone say “Flex Friday”?) And on Wednesdays we will focus on dedicated posterior chain power and unilateral work that will compliment our higher volume squatting very nicely. Athletes will spend the other days working through longer conditioning pieces and plenty of midline development. We will also see the return of some benchmark workouts this month! These workouts can really push athletes to their limits and we want to be 100% sure everyone is ready to handle that kind of stress so you don’t get “burned”...always keep this mindset when you’re on the floor!

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Here’s what’s on deck for our programs in August. Lather up that sunscreen and jump in!

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We are excited to have everyone back up to speed, and we also want to keep in mind there will still be people coming in that have been away from fitness for a while over the next few months. So, as always, train smartly, scale accordingly, and make sure to have an amazing time!

Committed to Your Success,
The enduraLAB Team

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