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Nathan knows how to find and create community, so it’s no surprise that he found his way to enduraLAB. Since joining the LAB, Nathan has crushed goals he never thought he could, has dialed in his nutrition, gotten better sleep and has noticed a healthy change in mental headspace. Read more about this interesting fellow below.

What brought you to enduraLAB?

A dude by the name of Chase Distasio, way back in the day. Then, Holden Hudson was the one to get me to pull the trigger on joining for Hell Week last summer. That week was indeed hell, but I was hooked (not sure what that says about me).

What did your workout routine look like before joining the LAB?

Lots of running + cycling with 3-4 easy days, 1-2 workouts, and 1 long run (and one rest/recovery day). Would hit training blocks for different races and events, did a little yoga sprinkled throughout, and did my best to do strength training with the DB’s and resistance bands I bought during Covid (remember when we all worked out in our living rooms, kitchens/bathrooms, or wherever else we could find the space?). 

What healthy changes have you made since joining the LAB? 

I’ve definitely refined my nutrition and sleep, things like that, but I’ve also noticed a healthy change in my mental headspace since I’ve been at the gym. I feel like I could write a lot, so feel free to ask me more about it!

Tell us what you do outside of the LAB?

So many things!! I’m the husband to a beautiful gal named Lexi Brooke. I watch movies (only the good ones) and read books (again, only the good ones), and hunt down a good brunch as often as I can. As far as my job – I lead a lot, communicate a lot, and I get to play a role in developing the lives of college students and help them discover that a personal relationship with Jesus changes everything about them (in the best way ever). 

How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? Brag a little.

I’ve definitely noticed I’m a much stronger and more efficient runner. Aerobic training isn’t the only thing that helps your get faster or help that goal pace feel easier – strength training and working those explosive muscles that give you your power definitely help, too. A lot. I also love being able 5-rep something that I wouldn’t have even dreamed about maxing out on a year or two ago. That’s sick.

What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next 6 months?

Oh snap, I’ve got a few! I want to run a sub-5 mile. That’d be dope. I also signed up for CIM and hope to break 3 hours in the marathon. That would also be dope. And I wouldn’t be mad about hitting 315+ in the deadlift.

What is your favorite enduraLAB event or program?

Obviously, Hell Week is what got me here – so probably that! I love the variety and challenge of all those workouts, and the fact that you get an easy opportunity to train that “don’t shy away from doing hard things that you feel like you’re incapable of doing” muscle. Otherwise known as the, “don’t be a weeny” muscle to Alexi Arstein.

What advice would you have for a new person starting at enduraLAB? 

It can be intimidating to walk into a room full of rigs and weights and Holden Hudson with a mustache. Start where you can, and don’t be ashamed of it! Be proud that you’re in there, and then commit to consistency. Then read, “Trust the progress, not the outcome” if you need a little reminder from time to time (it’s on the back wall). Also become friends with the coaches. And also the dogs. Neither bite. Holden is alright too.

If we had a workout in honor of you, what would it be called and what would it consist of?

Hahaha, no clue on the name. The Sancho? A mile for time (sorry), then a mix of deadlifts, slam balls, KB swings and up-downs with DB’s. Maybe some rowing. Obviously it might be murder to have all that in one workout, but those are at least my favorite movements!

Favorite treat meal/restaurant in D/FW?

Nothing, and I repeat NOTHING, slaps harder than getting two double sliders with tots/fries (ketchup and ranch) accompanied by a cold Coors Banquet at Nickel City. Nothing. 

Current read / podcast? 

“The Art of Gathering: How We Do It and Why It Matters” by Priya Parker

“Garden City: Work, Rest, and the Art of Being Human” by John Mark Comer

Pump up song?

If we’re talking about what currently gets played in the gym, then without a doubt, “When the Curtain Falls” by Greta Van Fleet. They’re a perfect combo of Led Zeppelin and AC/DC. You can’t help but get amped up – they jam. 

Any final words or thoughts?

“Just wedge your hips!”