What brought you to enduraLAB? My wife has been a member for about 2 years and was asking me to join. She was at every event and had so many good things to say, but me being a normal, stubborn, hard-headed man, I wouldn’t give it a try thinking she drank the kool aid. Now look at me, I’m in love with the LAB as much as she is!
What did your workout routine look like before joining the LAB? I was a member of multiple self-service chain gyms. The problem was the lack of support. It’s hard to see results when you workout aka take selfies and play on your phone 2 times a week. With no definite direction you have no push or motivation, and this is where the LAB truly helps me! The plans here are catered to help you push yourself, but they still adjust accordingly if you cannot complete the specific workout. They truly care!
What healthy changes have you made since joining the LAB? I definitely no longer eat for fun, and I’ve cut my beer intake way back. The gainz erase way faster than they are earned. I’ve also begun to sleep more to get to my 5am class. I’m also a way more positive person because working out makes your outlook on everything so much better.
Tell us what you do outside of the LAB? I manage a Chevrolet dealership service shop. I have been there 16 years, and they won’t let me leave. So if you ever need GM auto work done I’d be more than happy to help. I’m also passionate about performance cars, conspiracy theories, and learning new skills. I like to think that I know a little about everything- just enough to get me into trouble.
How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? Brag a little. Ok, this sounds really pathetic but before joining the LAB I couldn’t do one pull up. I had never deadlifted in my life, and crazy in a few months I took part in Night of the Living Deadlift. I achieved my max of 601lb.. Wait, that was someone else, but I did get to 345, which is a huge accomplishment. I can also do overhand pull ups now. I have learned so much and improved my form in all movements. I also use the LAB as an excuse to buy new gear like shoes and workout clothing.
What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next six months? Well I signed up for the Bandera 25k so as long as they don’t find me dead on the trail and I complete it, I will be happy. After I finish that I will see what next group event the LAB plans. I like to think that I use events as a motivation to keep working out consistently.
What is your favorite enduraLAB event or program? Everything at the LAB is fun to me, but the Ruck program is the best! There’s always a lot of fun conversations and I’ve met so many good people doing it. I completed the 26 mile GORUCK course that I never in my life would have attempted, but we all pushed each other and got it done as a team. And we had a little fun doing it.
What advice would you have for a new person starting at the LAB? You are about to embark on a process that will change your life. At times you will hate not eating junk or having to work out a lot but it will be worth it, trust the process. The coaches all have your best interests in mind, and they are here because they are passionate about what they do.
Favorite cheat meal/restaurant in DFW? Triple meat triple cheese burger from GRIFF’S HAMBURGERS in River Oaks.
Current read/podcast? With my hectic schedule I wish I had time to pick up a book. I do drive a lot and listen to podcasts from Wondery and Parcast. They range in a variety of genres but are always interesting and informative.
Pump up song? Cry Me A River by Justin Timberlake……next question please
Any final words or thoughts? If you want a lifestyle change and a better and healthier looking body, look no further than THE LAB. I waited way too long to join. In reality, I think I was intimidated by everyone and afraid to look dumb not knowing what I was doing, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. There is nothing but friendly faces during classes, and everyone pushes you and helps you should you need tips or anything. During our Ruck training we would sometimes meet at the owner’s house and begin there, that’s how down to earth they are. What other gym would do that? The LAB is more than a gym to me now, they are friends, second family, and home away from home. Thank you to everyone that has helped or pushed me. See you at the gym!