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Elizabeth’s energy and determination is contagious. Every time she walks into the gym, you can count on her to come in early to do mobility, grab a FitAid, give Endy (the endura-LAB) all the pets, give the workout 10000% AND encourage every single person in the gym – including the coach. Read more about what got her to enduraLAB and what she has accomplished since.

What brought you to enduraLAB?

I came to the LAB because my best friends had joined, and we thought it’d be a lot of fun to be each other’s cheerleaders. They were right!

What did your workout routine look like before joining the LAB?

I used to go to a chain gym, but got tired of the monotony of working out without a true “plan” in place. Then, COVID hit, and my gym closed down. I got really out of shape, and when I was invited to join my friends at the LAB, I was initially apprehensive because I was at the lowest point ever on my physical health. I had become a true couch potato during COVID, because you know…COVID.

What healthy changes have you made since joining the LAB?

I have found my inner athlete again. I love to challenge myself, and show up as much as possible. While this past year has thrown a few personal life curveballs my way, I see that working out not only impacts me, but my kiddos as well. They tell me that I’m the most athletic person they know, and they always try to join me when I do something physical. The LAB hasn’t just impacted me, it’s been a family wide journey!

Tell us what you do outside of the LAB?

Outside of the LAB, I’m a mom to 3 boys, a wife, an E-commerce business owner, bookkeeper for 5 businesses (yes…5) and a friend. I love to get my hands dirty with my pressure washer, renovate things with my husband, read, and travel with my best friend, Robin.

How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? Brag a little.

I have lifted weights in the past year and a half, that I have haven’t been able to lift since I was in high school! I love to deadlift, bench press and do back squats. I have participated in Endurance Events, including the Murph, and the  Enduralympics, and am a proud member of this past year’s winning team, Panda Express!

What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next 6 months?

I won’t say six months, I’ll say by the end of 2022…I want to be able to do 5 pull ups in a row, unbanded.

What is your favorite enduraLAB event or program?

I absolutely love the Murph. My middle son does it with me, and it’s so fun to see him enjoy something with Mom. This event individually focused, where results are concerned which I love. While you only compete against yourself really, everyone involved cheers everyone else on, no matter where they are in the fitness journey.

What advice would you have for a new person starting at enduraLAB?

Stick with the program for at least a month, and do NOT give up in the first 2 weeks when you think your muscles are going to actually climb out of your body and run away. The changes that are coming are going to be something you’ll be so proud of, and the mental strength you’re about to gain will make you incredibly proud of yourself. Hang in there. We’ve all endured the first weeks. We’re proof that the program works.

If we had a workout in honor of you, what would it be called and what would it consist of?

Ha ha! If this ever happens, it better be while I’m alive and healthy so I can do it with everyone. 

Let’s call it the “Ellie”, and it would be:

3 rounds for time

200 meter run with weighted vest

5 Gymnastic Pulls

5 box jumps (24/20)

5 Bench Press- moderate weight

20 Air Squats

10 push ups

5 Kettlebell Deadlifts (Athlete’s choice)

Favorite treat meal/restaurant in D/FW?

Chipotle Burrito Bowl for fast option, Fixe in Clearfork for date nights

Current read / podcast?

Reading “Midnight Library” by Matt Haig, Listening to Lewis Howes “School of Greatness”

Pump up song?

Natalie by Bruno Mars

Any final words or thoughts?

The enduralab community is a legitimately wonderful group. I have made quite a few friends, and encourage anyone to give it a chance. Lee and Isis really dedicate a lot to quality, cleanliness and the long term well-being of our members. Join us. You’ll wish you had sooner.