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Membership Change Form

We are sorry to see you go.

  • If you are injured, sick, traveling or will be away from the gym and would like to simply put your membership on hold instead of cancelling, you can request a membership hold by clicking HERE. Hold fees are $25 per month and are limited to 1, 2 or 3 months.
  • If you decide to return to training with us in the future, applicable membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will apply. Membership rates are subject to change.
  • If you are absolutely sure you would like to cancel, just complete and submit the form below.
  • This will serve as your 30-day written cancellation notice as stated in your membership agreement. Per contract, membership agreements can be cancelled 30-days prior to your credit / debit card processing date. All plans and memberships require a minimum of 30-days notice prior to the next billing date to assure cancellation of automatic payments. Cancellation requests submitted within the 30-day billing cycle will result in a final payment drawn from your account on your established auto draft date. Once final payment has been drawn from your account, members will have 30-days from the last bill date to use the facilities. It is your responsibility to provide written notice 30-days in advance of your next billing date. There will be no refund issued once a payment has been charged.

Full Name * First Name

Last Name

Email *

Phone Number *

Please select the option below that best describes your reason for leaving. * Financial Reasons (too expensive) Location (relocating or inconvenient) Difficulty (the workouts are too difficult) Injury Lack of Attendance Maternity

How well did the coaching staff attend to your fitness goals and needs? * Extremely Well Very Well Moderately Well Not Very Well Not Very Well at All

How would you describe your satisfaction with the facilities including equipment, parking, accessibility and cleanliness? * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Not Very Satisfied Not Very Satisfied at All

How likely are you to recommend enduraLAB to your friends? * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Not Very Satisfied Not Very Satisfied at All

Additional Comments/Questions

Agreement *

I understand that termination of a the membership contract requires a 30-day notice. During the applicable notice period, the member may continue to utilize enduraLAB services per the current membership program.

Thank you!