Meet Sarah Morford, May Member of the Month

May 17, 2024
Meet Sarah Morford, May Member of the Month

If you’ve been around the LAB lately, you’ve likely crossed paths with the dynamo herself, Sarah Morford. This month, we’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on this powerhouse member who brings a unique blend of experience, passion, and a hefty dose of fun to our fitness community. Buckle up, because Sarah's journey to enduraLAB is one for the books!

What brought you to EnduraLAB?

Ever had one of those lightbulb moments on the side of a mountain? No? Just Sarah then. Picture this: October 2023, Sarah was scaling Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Amidst the breathtaking views and long, soul-searching hikes with her husband, she made the monumental decision to sell FIT4MOM Fort Worth, the business that had been her world. She knew she needed a new fitness home to fill the void. Enter enduraLAB. A nudge from her friend Laura about the Holiday Hustle sealed the deal. The timing was perfect, and Sarah jumped in with both feet. Or should we say, she hustled right in?

What did your workout routine look like before joining the LAB?

Before making enduraLAB her new fitness playground, Sarah and her husband were no strangers to the gym scene. They were CrossFit enthusiasts during their stint in Huntsville, Alabama, where they discovered a love for community, accountability, and pushing past limits together. With her husband’s love for strength training and Sarah’s competitive spirit, the LAB provided the perfect stage for their dynamic duo to sweat it out side by side. Talk about couple goals!

What healthy changes have you made since joining the LAB?

Sarah’s journey in fitness is nothing short of inspiring. A former competitive swimmer, she’s always been driven by a deep-seated gratitude for her body. Her mantra? Move for joy, not punishment. Joining the LAB helped her reignite that joy, especially after a sluggish year marred by injury. She’s now stronger at 44 than ever before, embracing daily movement as her therapy, anti-depressant, and source of joy. The LAB community has been her catalyst, pushing her beyond limits she thought she had.

Tell us what you do outside of the LAB?

When she’s not dominating the fitness floor, you can find Sarah coaching pickleball at Courtside Kitchen, exclaiming "just one more game!" Her passion for connecting people through sustainable movement shines here as she encourages everyone to embrace the joy of play and growth. Sarah’s also a supermom to two nature-loving kids, Marilyn and George, with whom she spends most of her free time exploring the great outdoors.

A true Renaissance woman, Sarah is also a voracious reader, a committed sleep enthusiast (8-9 hours a night, folks!), and a dark chocolate aficionado. She loves to entertain, cook, and dive into podcasts, with "Happier" being a top pick for its focus on healthy habits. Her daily power naps, barefoot summers, and love for Florida round out a life that’s as balanced as it is active.

Final Thoughts:

Since joining enduraLAB, Sarah has found not just a fitness home but a community that celebrates inclusiveness, encouragement, and personal growth. She’s rediscovered herself and deepened her gratitude for her body. Sarah, you inspire us all with your relentless spirit and zest for life. Here's to many more hustles, workouts, and "one more game" moments with you!

Stay strong, stay joyful, and keep shining, Sarah! 🌟

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