What brought you into enduraLAB in the first place? The Lancarte’s and my co-workers motivated me to join the Righteous 21-Day Challenge in January. I love competing and wanted to prove to myself I can get back in great shape.
How did you exercise before enduraLAB? Before the LAB I had an LA Fitness membership that I infrequently used along with a lot of running on the trails.
What healthy changes have you made since starting enduraLAB? I eat way healthier by checking labels on nutrition facts, which I’ve learned to love, along with drinking less alcohol. A tough challenge for B-Locky.
Tell us what you do outside of the LAB? I’m a waiter at Joe T Garcia’s. I love the family and staff that I’ve served for six years!
How have you grown as an athlete since joining the LAB? I’ve cut down body fat a ton and shredded 10 pounds since January. Let’s just say I look a whole lot different! This made me a believer of enduraLAB.
What is a goal you have set for yourself in the next 6 months? The next year? To define my core strength beyond all else and to progress into some BlueWave weightlifting classes in the near future.
If there was a workout named after you, what would it consist of? Ski erg, pull ups and squats!
What is your favorite enduraLAB program/cycle? I love doing the S+C at 8:30 AM then go right into eL Burn at 9:45 AM. It’s a bitch!
What advice would you have for a new person starting at enduraLAB? Keep at It! Go every day and mix up the classes until you find the right rhythm. The first two weeks you’ll feel pain and soreness, but it gets easier as you progress and start seeing results!
Favorite cheat meal/restaurant in D/FW? Piccolo Mondo Italian Restaurant in Arlington.
Where did you go to college? Baylor. “Sic em!” Don’t ask how long.